CBED - (Concentration Based Estimated Deposition)

CBED deposition datasets for years 1986 to 2012 can now be downloaded from the UKCEH EIDC (Environment Information Data Centre). 3-year average deposition data is also present for the years since 2011 for use with critical loads assessments.

The Concentration Based Estimated Deposition (CBED) model generates 5x5 km resolution maps of wet and dry deposition of sulphur, oxidised and reduced nitrogen, and base cations from measured concentrations of gases and particulate matter in air and measured concentrations of ions in precipitation. These data are collected at sites in the UK Eutrophying and Acidifying Pollutants (UKEAP) network. Habitat-specific data are provided for (i) moorland/short vegetation everywhere, and (ii) forest everywhere. Additionally, the grid square average over multiple land cover types (i.e. arable, grassland, forest, moorland, urban) is also calculated. The habitat-specific data are recommended for use with critical loads for the calculation of critical load exceedances.